Thought everyone would like to read the article The News-Herald, Cleveland, Oh had on the Buckeye Rangers match, held in Mentor, Ohio. The contest was held September 4th & 5th, 2004.
The writer name is: Jeffrey L. Frischkorn
Fast Draw Artists Converge on Mentor
Not quite as fast as a speeding bullet Duning said the next event allows
but still quicker than the blink of an eye, use of both hands and for the“fanning”
some of the nation’s leading fast-draw of the handgun’s hammer, as often seen
artists go six-gun to six-gun in Mentor in Hollywood Westerns.
this weekend. “We treat these events with safety
The annual Buckeye Rangers North- always in mind, just as if they were fired
coast National Gunslingers Championship with full-charge rounds.” Duning also said.
is Saturday and Sunday at the U.S. From 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, the competi-
Marine Corps League’s Gunny’s Hall, tion will feature the Double Gun World-
8720 Twinbrook Dr. wide Championship.
Hours for the competition are 9a.m. to 8 Here, participants shoot two handguns
p.m. Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. simultaneously at individual targets set
Sunday. up 6 feet apart. The object is to hit both
Competition features cowboy action targets within 1/10 of a second of each
activities, with participants using Western- other.
style revolvers in various time-trail events. Also on Saturday starting at 2 p. m.
In each case, it’s a matter of the fastest participants will engage in a cowboy
man – or woman – wins. action-style shoot in which they will
The public also is invited for free to fire at nine balloon targets in a “saloon”
watch the competition, said its producer setting.
and a contestant, Ron Paul Duning. “Contestants will use rifles, handguns
“We have shooters coming in from and shotguns so it’s a very exciting event,”
Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas Duning said. “We use specialized rounds
and from all over Ohio,” Duning said. designed just to break balloons.
“We even have one coming in from Canada.” There's a lot of smoke and noise.”
Each of the participants is required to The Fastest Guns on Earth also is expected
dress in period, or Hollywood Western, garb. to draw interest. Contest articipants may
“It can be fancy or more traditional dress, display individuality in seeing who can draw
and we really try to dress the part. Some of and fire accurately in the shortest amount of
us are real “fancy Dans,” Duning said. time. “You will see times in this event
He said the contest will feature two main around one-quarter of a second,” Duning
shooting events for the national competition, said.
with points awarded toward the overall Top The public is invited to watch for free
Gun award for the year. and interact with the participants.
The first contest features the competitors Proceeds from the event and our
employing traditional-style, one-hand gun sponsors will go to the Marine Corps
draw, with the shooting of a way bullet at League’s Toys for Tots campaign, it’s
a steel plate. Scholarship program and Young Marines
An electronic system records the time, program,”Duning said.
with most shooters being able to perform
this task in less than one-third of a
second, Duning said.
The writer name is: Jeffrey L. Frischkorn
Fast Draw Artists Converge on Mentor
Not quite as fast as a speeding bullet Duning said the next event allows
but still quicker than the blink of an eye, use of both hands and for the“fanning”
some of the nation’s leading fast-draw of the handgun’s hammer, as often seen
artists go six-gun to six-gun in Mentor in Hollywood Westerns.
this weekend. “We treat these events with safety
The annual Buckeye Rangers North- always in mind, just as if they were fired
coast National Gunslingers Championship with full-charge rounds.” Duning also said.
is Saturday and Sunday at the U.S. From 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, the competi-
Marine Corps League’s Gunny’s Hall, tion will feature the Double Gun World-
8720 Twinbrook Dr. wide Championship.
Hours for the competition are 9a.m. to 8 Here, participants shoot two handguns
p.m. Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. simultaneously at individual targets set
Sunday. up 6 feet apart. The object is to hit both
Competition features cowboy action targets within 1/10 of a second of each
activities, with participants using Western- other.
style revolvers in various time-trail events. Also on Saturday starting at 2 p. m.
In each case, it’s a matter of the fastest participants will engage in a cowboy
man – or woman – wins. action-style shoot in which they will
The public also is invited for free to fire at nine balloon targets in a “saloon”
watch the competition, said its producer setting.
and a contestant, Ron Paul Duning. “Contestants will use rifles, handguns
“We have shooters coming in from and shotguns so it’s a very exciting event,”
Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas Duning said. “We use specialized rounds
and from all over Ohio,” Duning said. designed just to break balloons.
“We even have one coming in from Canada.” There's a lot of smoke and noise.”
Each of the participants is required to The Fastest Guns on Earth also is expected
dress in period, or Hollywood Western, garb. to draw interest. Contest articipants may
“It can be fancy or more traditional dress, display individuality in seeing who can draw
and we really try to dress the part. Some of and fire accurately in the shortest amount of
us are real “fancy Dans,” Duning said. time. “You will see times in this event
He said the contest will feature two main around one-quarter of a second,” Duning
shooting events for the national competition, said.
with points awarded toward the overall Top The public is invited to watch for free
Gun award for the year. and interact with the participants.
The first contest features the competitors Proceeds from the event and our
employing traditional-style, one-hand gun sponsors will go to the Marine Corps
draw, with the shooting of a way bullet at League’s Toys for Tots campaign, it’s
a steel plate. Scholarship program and Young Marines
An electronic system records the time, program,”Duning said.
with most shooters being able to perform
this task in less than one-third of a
second, Duning said.